Best Social Documentary. Festival Internacional de Cine Solidario KO&Digital
 PEACE PRIZE at the 2016 Cineotro Human Rights Film Festival (Valparaíso, Chile)
Best documentary film award. 2nd Place. Mediterranean Film Festival Cannes 2016.
Best Feature-Length Film. Festival de Cine y Derechos Humanos Madrid 2016.
01:05:12. Una carrera de fondo

Can the world be changed with just your legs?

The victories of hundreds of Kenyan and Ethiopian female athletes are transforming the socio-economic landscape in two traditionally macho countries, one stride at a time. On this marathon to gender equality, roles are being reversed - men take care of the house and women earn the income.

Next showings:

International Women's Day International Women's Day. Friday 8th March at 8.30pm @ Camera Stylo, 64 Dong Si Shi Yi Tiao, Dongcheng, Beijing (China).

  • The project

    '01:05:12. The Longest Race' documentary is the last piece of the Marathon to Gender Equality project, which includes a feature story, an animated movie and a photogallery on this subject.

    It was produced thanks to the funding made available through the Journalism Grants scheme from the European Journalism Centre funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

    The project was entirely developed without any influence whatsoever from the abovementioned organizations.

    The protagonists

    Hairdresser Nancy Chepkoge, superchampion Florence Kiplagat, teacher Nelly Ruto, role-model and former champion Lornah Kiplagat, brilliant Sylvia Kibet, hardworking Caroline Chepkwony and veteran Agnes Kiprop are the Kenyan leading roles in '01:05:12. The Longest Race'.

    From the Ethiopian side, the first black African woman to win an Olympic Gold medal, Derartu Tulu, the tireless Aberu Kebede and Feyse Tadese, who is as shy as she is a true professional.

    All brave women who use their resources to improve the society in which they happened to be born.

    Follow us!

    Well, follow us if you can keep our protagonists' record-breaking pace! We have already been shown in 25+ film festivals worldwide. Besides, we've been AWARDED at the Festival Internacional de Cine Solidario KO&Digital (Spain), at the Cineotro Human Rights Film Festival (Chile), at the Mediterranean Film Festival Cannes, at the Festival de Cine y Derechos Humanos de Madrid and two Special Mentions.

    Wondering where to watch the full documentary? Follow our Facebook page, where we regularly post announcements about every public screening.

Movie fact sheet

Original title: '01:05:12. Una carrera de fondo'. Spain, 2015. 51 min.

Language: Spanish, English, Italian, Amharic (English subtitles).

Directed by: Javier Triana and Rubén San Bruno.

Original idea, scriptwriter and executive producer: Javier Triana.

Director of photography, film editor and postproducer: Rubén San Bruno.

Voiceover by: Fernando Jurado.

Animation: House of Creatures.

Music by: Josh Woodward and Kevin MacLeod.

Contributed by: Takeshi Kuno and Omer Redi.

Genre: Documentary.

Directed by

  • Team Member


    Born in Logroño, Spain, in 1983, he holds a degree in Journalism (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2002-2007) and a Masters Degree in News Agency Reporting (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid, 2007-2008). Since then, he has worked as a correspondent for the Spanish News Agency EFE at its Beijing (2008) and Nairobi (2010-2013) bureaus. In 2014 he started freelancing from South East Asia and moved to Istanbul a year later where he's currently based. He has published his first book, ‘¡Goool en Las Gaunas!’ (Libros del K.O., 2014).
    ‘01:05:12. The Longest Race' is his first documentary movie.

    Team Member


    Born in Logroño, Spain, in 1983, he holds a degree in Audiovisual Arts and Performance Film-Editing (CPA Salduie, Zaragoza, 2004-2006) and Telecommunication Systems and IT (2001-2003). He began working as a TV-camera operator in 2003 filming newscasts, sport matches and feature stories. Over the following years he directed short movies, videoclips and the documentary movie 'El cuaderno de Ravi', filmed in India in 2007. In 2013 he founded SB Films & Photos as a way to continue working on a variety of audiovisual projects.

In the press

Sports are a society's own reflection, with its dilemmas and its changes, and this movie shows a very special one – a revolution on sneakers.

Ander Izagirre
2015 European Press Prize winner

This is the story of how the best women athletes on Earth have managed to change the mentalities of their communities and lead their own lives. And that's the greatest victory.

Xavier Aldekoa
La Vanguardia correspondent in Sub-Saharan Africa

The social revolution of women's long-distance running as told by its protagonists. An inspiring movie on Africa's nameless heroines.

Eduardo S. Molano
ABC correspondent in Sub-Saharan Africa
